Drawing Lived Experiences: Memory And Freestyling

Exploring A Range Of Drawing Themes 

If all I did was set specific drawing activities, the creative journey would start to feel restrictive at some point. So it's important to create a balance of learning lessons and allow freedom for Trevor to express whatever he wishes in whatever style he chooses.

Drawing From Memory: Freestyling Fun

Trevor loves to capture a memory in a drawing and it's always interesting to see what he chooses to do when he 'freestyles.'

I become his enthralled passenger and learn from immersing myself in his experience. We'll chat about what he's doing and why he's enjoying it. He'll describe his memory of the scene and how it made an impact.

Capturing Fleeting Moments: A Memorable Taxi Breakdown

The image above was inspired by a Drakensberg road trip to our best family of farm friends. I love the way the trees create a patterned background and the taxi details he drew from memory.

More Coming Soon!!!

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