Contact Trevor's Art Project

south african flag by trevor

TAP Here And Contact Us! 

TAP was initiated by Trevor's aunt, Leonie. She's struggled to identify places where he can develop and  participate in peer group activities. So she's decided to take matters into her own hands and create opportunities for Trevor. They hope to meet other people with disabilities who are keen to share a creative adventure or two together. 

TAP Offers 3 Tailored Creative Events

Invite Trevor and Leonie To Conduct a Creative Event

All costs are bespoke and tailored to needs. 

1. Hire TAP For A Drawing Class

The art experience can be simple or more sophisticated, as need suits.

We can bring materials or use the art supplies you have available. Decide if you need a messy or a tidy experience for the participants. :)

You can trust all art messes to be colour coordinated and kaleidoscopically constructive in the end!

Side note on tactile art:

Sometimes Trevor is revolted when he has to use his hands and get squishy with materials! That's when I love to set a grubby sculpture or painting experience to get him to feel different materials and come to terms with the fact that materials sometimes have a mind of their own!

Let's make art tactile, stimulating and a little dirty!

2. The Art Of Conversation And Connection

I've seen how Trevor yearns for socially engaged experiences with people he finds relatable. He's spoken about wanting to meet other people with disabilities. It's saddening that he wants to experience friendship but has no way to meet peers socially.

When we've engaged with others it does appear that loneliness is part of the disability life. Hopefully we can make a dent in this and spark conversations where people with disabilities can safely explore the art of making human connections.

Invite TAP to Curate A Book or Movie Club To Stimulate Conversation

Trevor loves to read and has a collection of books to escape to. Reading is stimulating and Trevor's taste varies from space exploration and dinosaurs to the best stories. 
Let's use books as conversation content.

Did someone say movies?! 

From adventure and animation to educational, movies create diverse talking points. We'll curate an experience to launch a conversation and a million smiles.

3. Word Games, Writing and Storytelling

Hangman: We Bring Massive Interactive Word Games

Trevor has been on a motivational creative journey that we'd like to share with others. His routines have varied and changed over time so that he can keep focussing on activities he really enjoys. Word games are one of his favourite weekend or evening activities. 

The intention of word games is to get everyone participating in some way. Laughter and a lot of noise is compulsory. Everybody fits in and stands a chance to learn new words, other languages or create new words the world is waiting for.

Whether you want a fresh approach to tackling an issue or just want to have pure unbridled inclusive fun, word games are the way to go!

Let's Fire-Up The Wordsmiths and Storytellers

Trevor started writing a story to explore the meaning of consequences. He started writing the story to help him deal with decision making and actions. The task was set in order for Trevor to think about the actions that can land you in trouble.

While Trevor's view of the world is often as if through the eyes of a child, he has needed to come to terms with the fact that society and the law perceives him as an adult. Writing this story helps Trevor to think things through and connect actions to consequences

The initial short story is now turning into a book! It's a fun story about a very naughty but endearing green elephant!

TAP in with us to develop fresh stories and narratives from different perspectives. Let's get started!

Book A TAP Event

Complete our form at this link. Tell us about the participants and let us know what you'd like us to do for you.

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